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Adventures   77 Entries found

Aussichtsturm Pyramidenkogel   

Keutschach am See, Kärnten

Pyramidenkogel – der weltweit höchste Holzaussichtsturm mit dem schönsten Panorama Kärntens

Tragöss/Grüner (Green) Lake   

A Hiking Path for which You will need a Whole Day. You can also use it with an Electronical Wheelchair and even with a Visual Impairment.

Freizeit-PSO - Sport und Urlaub für Menschen mit Behinderung   

Schladming-Rohrmoos, Steiermark

Lust auf ein neues Abenteuer, auf neue Herausforderungen, auf Selbsterfahrung mal anders und auf viel Spaß und Natur pur? Dann bist du hier richtig. Freizeit-PSO bietet für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung Skikurse im Winter und Aktivurlaube im Sommer in   ...

St. Barbara/Hundertwasserkirche Bärnbach und Lipizzanergestüt Piber   

This is a Hiking Path for which You can take one Day time. And You can also visit Two more Sightseeing-Tips.

Botanical Garden (and then Hilmlagoon)   

Visiting the Botanical Garden in Graz. You can take part of the Guided Tour with Kids and Wheelchairs.


Hochrindl, Kärnten

A hiking path for which You will need a whole day and where also your kids can experience something.

Maria Lankowitz/Old Alphouse   

This Hiking Path is nothing for Beginners and You will need One Day for sure but it is worth it.

Kernhof / White Zoo   

Kernhof, Niederösterreich

Visting the White Zoo.

Preunegg Ursprungalp/Heidi Alp   


The Ursprungalp is also called „Heidi Alp“ because of the Movie “Heidi” which was filmed back in 1988 exactly on this Alp! Some presentation boards remind You of this. On the Loop Road we can find great Stories about the Alp.

Castle Eggenberg   

A Hiking path which is quite flat and can be used also with an Electronical Wheelchair. It invites You to make a short and beautiful Hike.
Accessibility Helper